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How do I Start Court Proceedings?

How do I Start Court Proceedings? Kan Law Paralegal Our lawyers specialise in litigation. We will guide you through any stage in your litigation process. Whether you are a litigant in person seeking legal advice or you have instructed solicitors and are seeking a second opinion on strategy.   Disclaimer: the information published on this […]

Freezing Orders in the UK: A Powerful Legal Tool to Protect Assets

Freezing Orders in the UK: A Powerful Legal Tool to Protect Assets Omar Elzayat lnternational Associate ​ Freezing orders, sometimes known as Mareva injunctions, are one of the most effective legal tools in the UK for protecting assets. They are used to prevent individuals or businesses from disposing of or hiding assets during litigation, ensuring […]

Credit Score

Credit Score Abdelrahman Ahmed Property Law Trainee Our Top Tips to Improve your Credit worthiness… Credit score can have a significant influence over a person’s financials. It is directly linked to a person’s ability to successfully get loans and Credit, as well as the terms you are offered if your application is successful. The better […]

Guide to Setting Aside a County Court Judgment (CCJ)

Guide to Setting Aside a County Court Judgment (CCJ) Polina Schweizer Commercial Paralegal Discovering a County Court Judgment (CCJ) on your credit report can be daunting. Not only does it significantly lower your credit score, but it also hampers your ability to get a mortgage, rent, or even secure a mobile phone contract. In some […]

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Set up a Money Exchange Company in the United Kingdom

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Set up a Money Exchange Company in the United Kingdom Abdelrahman Ahmed Property Law Trainee In the UK, Financial Services encompasses a broad range of activities provided by banks, insurance companies, investment firms, fintech companies, money exchange and transfer firms, and other financial institutions. These services are vital for […]

Is the Tax Rate for Businesses in Dubai Lower than in the UK?

Is the Tax Rate for Business in Dubai Lower than in the UK? Abdelrahman Ahmed Trainee Solicitor​ Dubai and the United Kingdom present unique business environments, particularly when considering their distinct tax structures. Dubai, the most populous city in the UAE, is often mistakenly labeled as the capital, though Abu Dhabi is the actual capital. […]

Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in the United Kingdom

Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in the United Kingdom Omar Elzayat  lnternational Associate  The United Kingdom, a jurisdiction with a rich legal history, provides multiple avenues for the enforcement of foreign judgments. These avenues include both treaty-based mechanisms and the common law method, each with its own unique procedures and requirements. While each of these methods […]

Understanding Residential Lease Extensions in the UK

Understanding Residential Lease Extensions in the UK Youssef Hammouda  Property Paralegal  Under the Law of Property Act 1925, property ownership can be divided into two main categories: freehold and leasehold properties. Freehold is the closest thing to absolute ownership as it gives the holder the right to occupy an estate for indefinite duration. On the […]